
April's Loose Ends

* If you haven't bought Scott Miller's new live CD, please do so now. Thank you.

* And while you're buying CDs, why not purchase the latest Scharpling and Wurster comic gem, "The Art of the Slap"? It's three discs and contains my favorite Philly Boy Roy call. Introduce yourself to the magic of Laser Allin.

* If you're in or near NYC, you could buy that Scharpling and Wurster release at Other Music. They found one of my credit cards and ID last week and went the extra mile to contact me so I could get them back. Thanks, Other Music.

* Reason Why New York Kicks Ass #14,578: After reading an excerpt from I'll Sleep When I'm Dead in Los Angeles magazine, I immediately wanted to get the book. But it doesn't come out until Tuesday. Maybe, I think, some store in the city will put it out early. So, I go into the city on Thursday and in the second bookstore (Housing Works) I go to, I find a proof of the book for $3. Greatest city in the world.

And, by the way, I'm done with the book already. I'll throw a review up this week. Because I haven't had a Zevon-related post in several days. You've been anxious.

* In case you've been busy fretting about violence in the schools and the unwinnable war and haven't noticed, the new season of "Celebrity Fit Club" is upon us. And it appears that our man Dustin "Screech" Diamond is poised to become this year's Gary Busey/Daniel Baldwin/Jeff Conaway. Way to go, big man.

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