Number of days: 6
Number of flights: 2
Number of Amtrak rides: 4
Number of flight delays: 2
Number of Amtrak delays: 0
Number of baseball games seen: 3 1/3
Number of home-team victories: 0
Number of times visiting team took lead in the top of the first: 2
Number of trips to the Billy Goat Tavern: 2
Number of slices of pizza eaten: approximately 10
Number of bakeries visited: 2
Number of record stores visited: 3
Number of records bought: 10
Number of bands seen: 6
Number of games bowled: 2
Number of "Blues Brothers" sites photographed: 1
Number of "Uncle Buck" sites photographed: 0 (I thought it was 1, but the website gave me the wrong address)
Number of bingo casinos visited: 1
Number of hotels I stayed at where there was a murder across the street the night before I arrived: 1
More numbers, more photos, and more stories to come over the next week or so.
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