*Bottle Rockets/Eric Ambel and the Roscoe Trio/Apple Brothers, Mercury Lounge, NYC
*Meeting the original Mr. Met
*Hilby the Skinny German Juggle Boy vs. A Park Full of Rowdy Kids, Hoboken, NJ
*Tony the Dancing Machine on the Atlantic City boardwalk
*Carolina Chocolate Drops/Dixie Hummingbirds, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY
*Seeing ambidextrous Andy Venditte pitch, Staten Island, NY
*The long-awaited opening of Cafe La Rustique, Jersey City, NJ
*Waco Brothers/Chris Mills, Highline Ballroom, NYC
*Emmylou Harris, Union Square Barnes & Noble, NYC
*The Sadies, Madison Square Park, NYC
*The willingness of people with cars to drive me places
What, no "Yeeeeah! That's a K! Like YMCA!"
Came in 14th, just behind getting Paul Anka's autograph. It was a full month.
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